Managing Your Ads...

The My Ads page is divided into 3 sections.  Each section contains a list of all the Ads that fit the criteria for that particular section.  You will see a small JPEG preview along with some minimal information about that particular ad.  In the case where there were multiple items in a package, you will see multiple thumbnails of the individual package items.  Each section is explained in detail below along with the options that are available for the Ads in that section.



Your Saved Ads

These ads have been created in the AdPortal system but were never scheduled or purchased.  Typically a "Saved Ad" is an ad that the user created and from the proof page, clicked the "Save Ad For Later" button.  In the Saved Ads area, users have 3 options:

View Details

This option will display a larger preview of the ad along with some additional detail on about the ad.

Modify Ad

Will bring the user to the "Customize Your Ad" page where the fields will be filled in as they were when the ad was saved originally.  You have the opportunity to change any of the fields and then from the proof screen, you can save the ad again, or continue through the workflow by scheduling and paying for the Ad.

Delete Ad

This option will completely remove the selected ad from the database.  Be careful when choosing this option as once the ad is deleted, there is no way to retrieve it.




Your Current Ads

These are ads that have been created, scheduled and purchased in the AdPortal system.  They are "Current Ads" because the current date (today) falls between the first insertion deadline and the last insertion.  In the Current Ads area, users have 4 options:

View Details

This option will display a larger preview of the ad along with additional details about the ad including the Job Details, the Schedule and the Account Information.

Cancel Future Insertions

Will bring the user to the schedule page where any insertions that are not yet past deadline can be canceled. To cancel a future insertion, click on the date to toggle the insertion.

Reschedule Ad

Will bring the user to the schedule page where any insertions that are not yet past deadline can be rescheduled. To reschedule a future insertion, click on the date to toggle the insertion.  You must schedule at least as many total upcoming dates scheduled as you had to start with.  In other words, if there were still 3 insertions, you must have at least 3 insertions left on the calendar before you continue to the next screen.  You may schedule additional insertions but you will be charged for each additional insertion beyond the number that you started with.

Modify Ad

Will bring the user to the "Customize Your Ad" page where the fields will be filled in as they were when the ad was saved originally.  You have the opportunity to change any of the fields.  Changes will obviously be applied only to the insertions that are still to be run.  Once complete, you will be taken to the schedule page where you can either leave the original schedule dates in place, or schedule the ads using the rules outlined above.




Your Future Ads

These are ads that have been created, scheduled and purchased in the AdPortal system.  They are "Future Ads" because the current date (today) falls before the first insertion deadline.  In the Future Ads area, users have 4 options:

View Details

This option will display a larger preview of the ad along with additional details about the ad including the Job Details, the Schedule and the Account Information.


Will bring the user to the schedule page where any of the scheduled insertions can be canceled. To cancel an insertion, click on the date to toggle the insertion.

Reschedule Ad

Will bring the user to the schedule page where any of the insertions can be rescheduled. To reschedule an insertion, click on the date to toggle the insertion.  You must schedule at least as many total insertions as you had to start with.  In other words, if there were 3 insertions, you must have at least 3 insertions on the calendar before you continue to the next screen.  You may schedule additional insertions but you will be charged for each additional insertion beyond the number that you started with.

Modify Ad

Will bring the user to the "Customize Your Ad" page where the fields will be filled in as they were when the ad was saved originally.  You have the opportunity to change any of the fields.  Once complete, you will be taken to the schedule page where you can either leave the original schedule dates in place, or schedule the ads using the rules outlined above.